Last updated Monday 1st November 2021 at 12:21 PM

Statistics for Premier Division


Total Runs
778 M Awais Tunnocks Uddingston
767 B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County
728 R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie
585 T Ahmad M8 Driving Ferguslie
424 M Tweedie SM Cricket Stirling County
420 M Haq Prestwick
395 S Chaudhary Prestwick
394 H Booker SM Cricket Stirling County
375 R Berrington Clydesdale
374 J Fennah McCrea FS West of Scotland
356 F Jawad Clydesdale
348 Muh Khan Langside
337 J Oliver McCrea FS West of Scotland
333 Asa Khan (J) Langside
331 A Hislop McCrea FS West of Scotland
327 R Hussain M8 Driving Ferguslie
314 I Mughal Clydesdale
311 M Ghaffar M8 Driving Ferguslie
302 S Beveridge Your Move Dumfries
296 N Flack Greenock
292 D Stafford M8 Driving Ferguslie
276 I Young McCrea FS West of Scotland
255 C Young Clydesdale
244 P Barbour Clydesdale
241 S Zia Langside
225 K Farid Clydesdale
216 A Davidson Your Move Dumfries
216 C Brockwell Your Move Dumfries
211 F Macdonald Prestwick
211 Z Ahmad Tunnocks Uddingston
208 Am Ramzan Poloc
208 R Lyons Tunnocks Uddingston
191 G Singh Prestwick
185 A Gul Tunnocks Uddingston
185 H Singh Tunnocks Uddingston
183 T Spensley McCrea FS West of Scotland
176 T McGrath Your Move Dumfries
173 T Fleet Prestwick
171 C James Poloc
171 K Sajjad Poloc
169 M Kamran Langside
168 Sai Sajjad Poloc
165 G Bradley Tunnocks Uddingston
164 H Briggs Greenock
161 J Strachan McCrea FS West of Scotland
160 S Page McCrea FS West of Scotland
157 A Shakoor SM Cricket Stirling County
155 F Clarke Tunnocks Uddingston
149 I Singh Prestwick
148 R McBride Your Move Dumfries
145 D Braithwaite McCrea FS West of Scotland
144 S Fischer-keogh (J) Greenock
142 S Ali Poloc
138 N Alexander Tunnocks Uddingston
137 U Ahmad (J) M8 Driving Ferguslie
130 A Shahzad SM Cricket Stirling County
125 A Dawson Your Move Dumfries
122 G Preston-Jones M8 Driving Ferguslie
122 A Vejandla M8 Driving Ferguslie
120 R Hewage SM Cricket Stirling County
115 G Raja Langside
115 J Stafford Prestwick
114 M Rao Prestwick
112 Muj Khan Langside
110 A Mallichan Poloc
109 D Cairns Clydesdale
108 R Cathcart Poloc
101 Z Bashir Clydesdale
101 C Morton SM Cricket Stirling County
96 J Carlisle McCrea FS West of Scotland
96 A Qazi Poloc
92 A Malik Your Move Dumfries
90 A Krishna Clydesdale
89 H Sohail Poloc
86 R Patterson Prestwick
86 J Cox Your Move Dumfries
85 D McNulty McCrea FS West of Scotland
82 C Hempsey Greenock
81 E McBeth Prestwick
80 S Sanghera Greenock
78 G McDougall Greenock
76 G Chambers Greenock
76 H Tahir M8 Driving Ferguslie
75 C Reynolds-lewis Your Move Dumfries
72 M Ali Langside
68 S Prabhu Greenock
66 O Gould (J) Clydesdale
66 L Fischer Keogh (J) Greenock
66 M Syed Poloc
62 A Sabri Tunnocks Uddingston
61 B Cole McCrea FS West of Scotland
58 C McCutcheon Your Move Dumfries
56 M Akram Langside
55 P Bielby SM Cricket Stirling County
53 J Nowell (J) Greenock
53 A Hulatt McCrea FS West of Scotland
51 G Smith McCrea FS West of Scotland
51 A Mulik (J) SM Cricket Stirling County
51 B Clarke Tunnocks Uddingston

High Scores
217 M Awais Tunnocks Uddingston v Poloc
164 M Awais Tunnocks Uddingston v Greenock
124 S Chaudhary Prestwick v Your Move Dumfries
118 R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie v Clydesdale
115* R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie v Prestwick
115 B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County v McCrea FS West of Scotland
108 R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie v Clydesdale
107 R Berrington Clydesdale v Greenock
106 H Singh Tunnocks Uddingston v Greenock
106 R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie v Your Move Dumfries
105* T Ahmad M8 Driving Ferguslie v Prestwick
103 M Khan Langside v Greenock
101* F Jawad Clydesdale v Your Move Dumfries
101 T Ahmad M8 Driving Ferguslie v Greenock
101 S Page McCrea FS West of Scotland v Greenock
100 M Ghaffar M8 Driving Ferguslie v McCrea FS West of Scotland
98 R Hussain M8 Driving Ferguslie v Prestwick
97* R Berrington Clydesdale v McCrea FS West of Scotland
94 M Tweedie SM Cricket Stirling County v Greenock
93 Asa Khan (J) Langside v McCrea FS West of Scotland
88 B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County v Poloc
87* N Flack Greenock v Langside
87* M Haq Prestwick v Your Move Dumfries
85 R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie v SM Cricket Stirling County
83 C Young Clydesdale v Greenock
83 T Ahmad M8 Driving Ferguslie v McCrea FS West of Scotland
81 C Young Clydesdale v McCrea FS West of Scotland
80 A Shahzad SM Cricket Stirling County v Poloc
79 B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County v Langside
79 M Awais Tunnocks Uddingston v McCrea FS West of Scotland
77 I Mughal Clydesdale v Greenock
77 R Lyons Tunnocks Uddingston v Poloc
75 R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie v Poloc
75 T Ahmad M8 Driving Ferguslie v Tunnocks Uddingston
75 Am Ramzan Poloc v Your Move Dumfries
74* Am Ramzan Poloc v McCrea FS West of Scotland
74 I Mughal Clydesdale v M8 Driving Ferguslie
74 M Tweedie SM Cricket Stirling County v M8 Driving Ferguslie
74 I Young McCrea FS West of Scotland v SM Cricket Stirling County
71 S Chaudhary Prestwick v M8 Driving Ferguslie
70* G Bradley Tunnocks Uddingston v M8 Driving Ferguslie
70 B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County v Clydesdale
69 M Tweedie SM Cricket Stirling County v Poloc
68 K Farid Clydesdale v Greenock
68 H Briggs Greenock v Clydesdale
67 B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County v Greenock
67 N Flack Greenock v SM Cricket Stirling County
67 H Booker SM Cricket Stirling County v Langside
64 B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County v Poloc
63 D Stafford M8 Driving Ferguslie v McCrea FS West of Scotland
62 F Macdonald Prestwick v McCrea FS West of Scotland
62 M Awais Tunnocks Uddingston v M8 Driving Ferguslie
61 C Young Clydesdale v M8 Driving Ferguslie
61 R Hussain M8 Driving Ferguslie v Clydesdale
60* Asa Khan (J) Langside v Clydesdale
60 P Barbour Clydesdale v M8 Driving Ferguslie
60 M Haq Prestwick v SM Cricket Stirling County
59 A Davidson Your Move Dumfries v Greenock
58 C Morton SM Cricket Stirling County v McCrea FS West of Scotland
58 C Brockwell Your Move Dumfries v Greenock
57 P Barbour Clydesdale v SM Cricket Stirling County
57 M Kamran Langside v McCrea FS West of Scotland
57 J Fennah McCrea FS West of Scotland v SM Cricket Stirling County
57 C James Poloc v SM Cricket Stirling County
56 M Awais Tunnocks Uddingston v SM Cricket Stirling County
55 J Fennah McCrea FS West of Scotland v Tunnocks Uddingston
54* B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County v Langside
54* C James Poloc v M8 Driving Ferguslie
54 Sai Sajjad Poloc v McCrea FS West of Scotland
54 S Page McCrea FS West of Scotland v SM Cricket Stirling County
54 C Brockwell Your Move Dumfries v Poloc
53* I Mughal Clydesdale v Poloc
53 D Stafford M8 Driving Ferguslie v Poloc
53 T Spensley McCrea FS West of Scotland v Langside
53 M Haq Prestwick v Poloc
52* F Clarke Tunnocks Uddingston v Clydesdale
52* R Berrington Clydesdale v Your Move Dumfries
52 J Strachan McCrea FS West of Scotland v Poloc
52 M Haq Prestwick v SM Cricket Stirling County
51* J Oliver McCrea FS West of Scotland v Clydesdale
51* B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County v Your Move Dumfries
51 Asa Khan (J) Langside v Poloc
51 S Zia Langside v SM Cricket Stirling County
51 A Hislop McCrea FS West of Scotland v Tunnocks Uddingston
51 Z Ahmad Tunnocks Uddingston v Poloc

Name Team Inns NO Runs High Ave
B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County 14 2 767 115 63.92
R Berrington Clydesdale 8 2 375 107 62.50
R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie 15 1 728 118 52.00
M Awais Tunnocks Uddingston 15 0 778 217 51.87
N Flack Greenock 7 1 296 87* 49.33
T Ahmad M8 Driving Ferguslie 15 3 585 105* 48.75
C Drummond Clydesdale 4 3 46 24 46.00
Am Ramzan Poloc 6 1 208 75 41.60
S Page McCrea FS West of Scotland 4 0 160 101 40.00
M Tweedie SM Cricket Stirling County 12 1 424 94 38.55
C Young Clydesdale 7 0 255 83 36.43
S Chaudhary Prestwick 14 3 395 124 35.91
H Booker SM Cricket Stirling County 12 1 394 67 35.82
M Haq Prestwick 14 2 420 87* 35.00
I Mughal Clydesdale 12 2 314 77 31.40
J Oliver McCrea FS West of Scotland 12 1 337 51* 30.64
R Hussain M8 Driving Ferguslie 13 2 327 98 29.73
F Jawad Clydesdale 14 2 356 101* 29.67
R Patterson Prestwick 7 4 86 39* 28.67
A Hislop McCrea FS West of Scotland 12 0 331 51 27.58
G Bradley Tunnocks Uddingston 7 1 165 70* 27.50
J Fennah McCrea FS West of Scotland 14 0 374 57 26.71
D Stafford M8 Driving Ferguslie 12 1 292 63 26.55
A Hulatt McCrea FS West of Scotland 5 3 53 24* 26.50
A Shahzad SM Cricket Stirling County 5 0 130 80 26.00
Asa Khan (J) Langside 15 2 333 93 25.62
S Beveridge Your Move Dumfries 13 1 302 50 25.17
I Young McCrea FS West of Scotland 11 0 276 74 25.09


Most Wickets
33 I Adrees Poloc
32 S Chaudhary Prestwick
31 M Ghaffar M8 Driving Ferguslie
31 M Haq Prestwick
30 C Brockwell Your Move Dumfries
29 G Smith McCrea FS West of Scotland
29 A Akbar Prestwick
28 N Alexander Tunnocks Uddingston
24 Muh Khan Langside
24 H Tahir M8 Driving Ferguslie
24 R Lyons Tunnocks Uddingston
23 Z Bashir Clydesdale
23 S Fischer-keogh (J) Greenock
23 G Chambers Greenock
23 C Dutia McCrea FS West of Scotland
23 B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County
22 D Cairns Clydesdale
21 M Ali Langside
20 A Krishna Clydesdale
20 K Sajjad Poloc
20 A Gul Tunnocks Uddingston
19 J Fennah McCrea FS West of Scotland
18 G Etheridge McCrea FS West of Scotland
17 H Mahmood M8 Driving Ferguslie
17 H Zaker M8 Driving Ferguslie
16 R Hewage SM Cricket Stirling County
16 A Sabri Tunnocks Uddingston
15 S Sanghera Greenock
15 A Davidson Your Move Dumfries
14 M Adnan Langside
14 A Hanif Poloc
14 R Cathcart Poloc
14 A Shakoor SM Cricket Stirling County
13 S Zia Langside
13 M Syed Poloc
13 T McGrath Your Move Dumfries
12 M Afzal Langside
12 Far Shah Langside
12 D McNulty McCrea FS West of Scotland
12 F Macdonald Prestwick
12 C McCutcheon Your Move Dumfries
11 R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie
11 T Ahmad M8 Driving Ferguslie
10 G McDougall Greenock
10 H Booker SM Cricket Stirling County
10 J Hobman (J) Your Move Dumfries
9 R Berrington Clydesdale
9 C Drummond Clydesdale
9 N Flack Greenock
9 T Willmott (J) Tunnocks Uddingston
9 Z Ahmad Tunnocks Uddingston
8 K Farid Clydesdale
8 S Raja (J) Clydesdale
8 J Oliver McCrea FS West of Scotland
8 P Bielby SM Cricket Stirling County
8 S Beveridge Your Move Dumfries
7 I Mughal Clydesdale
7 G Raja Langside
7 B Cole McCrea FS West of Scotland
7 C Morton SM Cricket Stirling County
7 E Smith SM Cricket Stirling County
6 U Ahmad (J) M8 Driving Ferguslie
6 R Alexander Prestwick
6 T Jones SM Cricket Stirling County
5 B Esakhiel (J) Clydesdale
5 R Butt Langside
5 D Tahir M8 Driving Ferguslie
5 J Cathcart (J) Poloc
5 J Hulme Prestwick
5 I Singh Prestwick
4 J Khan Clydesdale
4 Q Khan (J) M8 Driving Ferguslie
4 A Hulatt McCrea FS West of Scotland
4 A Mallichan Poloc
4 W Ahmed Poloc
4 J Bowes SM Cricket Stirling County
4 M Awais Tunnocks Uddingston
4 R McBride Your Move Dumfries
3 M Khan Poloc
3 R Patterson Prestwick

Best Figures
Player Ovrs Mdns Runs Wkts Match
N Alexander 9.4 6 5 7 Tunnocks Uddingston v Your Move Dumfries
H Tahir 10 6 8 6 M8 Driving Ferguslie v Greenock
A Sabri 8 1 22 6 Tunnocks Uddingston v McCrea FS West of Scotland
S Chaudhary 8.4 1 25 6 Prestwick v Poloc
C Brockwell 10 5 25 6 Your Move Dumfries v SM Cricket Stirling County
C Brockwell 10 4 31 6 Your Move Dumfries v Clydesdale
G Smith 9 0 44 6 McCrea FS West of Scotland v Langside
A Akbar 7.5 1 14 5 Prestwick v Tunnocks Uddingston
H Tahir 9 4 16 5 M8 Driving Ferguslie v Langside
Muh Khan 9.3 3 16 5 Langside v Prestwick
B McMullen (J) 7.1 2 16 5 SM Cricket Stirling County v Greenock
S Zia 7 2 20 5 Langside v Your Move Dumfries
T Ahmad 10 2 20 5 M8 Driving Ferguslie v McCrea FS West of Scotland
A Krishna 8 2 21 5 Clydesdale v Greenock
J Fennah 10 4 23 5 McCrea FS West of Scotland v Your Move Dumfries
K Farid 10 1 27 5 Clydesdale v Your Move Dumfries
M Ghaffar 10 1 31 5 M8 Driving Ferguslie v McCrea FS West of Scotland
F Macdonald 9 2 47 5 Prestwick v M8 Driving Ferguslie
Z Bashir 9.5 0 49 5 Clydesdale v M8 Driving Ferguslie
S Sanghera 10 61 5 Greenock v Clydesdale
M Haq 7 3 8 4 Prestwick v Tunnocks Uddingston
M Haq 10 5 9 4 Prestwick v Your Move Dumfries
M Haq 10 4 9 4 Prestwick v SM Cricket Stirling County
M Ali 10 4 10 4 Langside v Poloc
J Hulme 8 4 10 4 Prestwick v Langside
C Brockwell 10 4 13 4 Your Move Dumfries v Greenock
S Chaudhary 10 6 14 4 Prestwick v Langside
Z Bashir 10 4 15 4 Clydesdale v Tunnocks Uddingston
A Akbar 8 2 15 4 Prestwick v Langside
Z Bashir 9 3 15 4 Clydesdale v Poloc
A Gul 10 8 15 4 Tunnocks Uddingston v Langside
M Afzal 10 2 16 4 Langside v SM Cricket Stirling County
M Haq 10 3 18 4 Prestwick v Clydesdale
A Gul 10 2 18 4 Tunnocks Uddingston v SM Cricket Stirling County
M Ali 6.1 2 19 4 Langside v Greenock
R Lyons 10 4 19 4 Tunnocks Uddingston v Greenock
T McGrath 6.2 1 19 4 Your Move Dumfries v Poloc
U Ahmad (J) 6.4 1 20 4 M8 Driving Ferguslie v Langside
R Butt 8.1 1 21 4 Langside v Tunnocks Uddingston
G Chambers 10 3 22 4 Greenock v Prestwick
Muh Khan 10 0 24 4 Langside v Poloc
C Dutia 10 2 25 4 McCrea FS West of Scotland v Tunnocks Uddingston
M Syed 7 0 26 4 Poloc v Langside
M Ghaffar 10 2 28 4 M8 Driving Ferguslie v Greenock
A Akbar 9.5 1 30 4 Prestwick v McCrea FS West of Scotland
I Adrees 8.1 1 30 4 Poloc v SM Cricket Stirling County
K Sajjad 7 1 31 4 Poloc v Your Move Dumfries
H Mahmood 8 0 32 4 M8 Driving Ferguslie v Tunnocks Uddingston
C Dutia 10 2 33 4 McCrea FS West of Scotland v Clydesdale
Muh Khan 10 0 33 4 Langside v McCrea FS West of Scotland
M Ghaffar 8 2 34 4 M8 Driving Ferguslie v Poloc
J Hobman (J) 9 2 34 4 Your Move Dumfries v Poloc
H Mahmood 9.5 1 36 4 M8 Driving Ferguslie v Prestwick
M Haq 8 0 36 4 Prestwick v Your Move Dumfries
H Zaker 10 38 4 M8 Driving Ferguslie v Clydesdale
C Drummond 10 1 38 4 Clydesdale v Tunnocks Uddingston
G Etheridge 9 2 41 4 McCrea FS West of Scotland v Greenock
S Fischer-Keogh (J) 10 2 42 4 Greenock v M8 Driving Ferguslie
C Morton 10 1 43 4 SM Cricket Stirling County v Clydesdale
I Mughal 8.5 1 47 4 Clydesdale v M8 Driving Ferguslie
A Krishna 9 0 52 4 Clydesdale v M8 Driving Ferguslie
C McCutcheon 10 0 53 4 Your Move Dumfries v M8 Driving Ferguslie
M Syed 10 0 71 4 Poloc v M8 Driving Ferguslie

Name Team Ovrs Mdns Runs Wkts Ave Econ S/R
U Ahmad (J) M8 Driving Ferguslie 7.3 1 25 6 4.17 3.33 7.5
M Haq Prestwick 111.2 33 213 31 6.87 1.91 21.5
B Cole McCrea FS West of Scotland 13.0 1 53 7 7.57 4.08 11.1
R Butt Langside 13.1 3 40 5 8.00 3.04 15.8
H Tahir M8 Driving Ferguslie 95.0 26 214 24 8.92 2.25 23.8
Muh Khan Langside 97.0 15 231 24 9.63 2.38 24.3
S Chaudhary Prestwick 115.4 24 311 32 9.72 2.69 21.7
N Alexander Tunnocks Uddingston 117.0 30 276 28 9.86 2.36 25.1
R Lyons Tunnocks Uddingston 99.2 21 281 24 11.71 2.83 24.8
A Akbar Prestwick 118.5 24 342 29 11.79 2.88 24.6
B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County 77.4 9 274 23 11.91 3.53 20.3
Z Bashir Clydesdale 106.5 23 277 23 12.04 2.59 27.9
R Berrington Clydesdale 42.4 6 117 9 13.00 2.74 28.4
A Gul Tunnocks Uddingston 111.0 25 261 20 13.05 2.35 33.3
S Raja (J) Clydesdale 31.0 3 106 8 13.25 3.42 23.3
R Alexander Prestwick 26.0 4 81 6 13.50 3.12 26.0
C Brockwell Your Move Dumfries 117.0 23 406 30 13.53 3.47 23.4
G Smith McCrea FS West of Scotland 118.4 14 407 29 14.03 3.43 24.6
Z Ahmad Tunnocks Uddingston 29.5 1 128 9 14.22 4.29 19.9
I Adrees Poloc 133.3 17 497 33 15.06 3.72 24.3
H Mahmood M8 Driving Ferguslie 64.2 10 263 17 15.47 4.09 22.7
M Ghaffar M8 Driving Ferguslie 116.5 18 481 31 15.52 4.12 22.6
H Zaker M8 Driving Ferguslie 64.0 7 266 17 15.65 4.16 22.6
M Afzal Langside 59.0 7 190 12 15.83 3.22 29.5
C Dutia McCrea FS West of Scotland 81.3 7 364 23 15.83 4.47 21.3
G Raja Langside 24.2 1 112 7 16.00 4.60 20.9
M Ali Langside 103.0 13 351 21 16.71 3.41 29.4
A Sabri Tunnocks Uddingston 66.0 9 274 16 17.13 4.15 24.8
F Macdonald Prestwick 57.2 10 210 12 17.50 3.66 28.7
T Jones SM Cricket Stirling County 32.0 2 111 6 18.50 3.47 32.0
E Smith SM Cricket Stirling County 30.0 1 131 7 18.71 4.37 25.7
D Cairns Clydesdale 130.4 15 412 22 18.73 3.15 35.6
S Zia Langside 79.5 7 244 13 18.77 3.06 36.8
G Etheridge McCrea FS West of Scotland 85.0 11 338 18 18.78 3.98 28.3
A Davidson Your Move Dumfries 96.0 16 284 15 18.93 2.96 38.4
J Hulme Prestwick 25.1 6 97 5 19.40 3.85 30.2
K Farid Clydesdale 32.0 1 158 8 19.75 4.94 24.0
G Chambers Greenock 137.3 17 455 23 19.78 3.31 35.9
A Krishna Clydesdale 99.1 12 397 20 19.85 4.00 29.8


Catches Taken
16 D Stafford M8 Driving Ferguslie
14 A Mulik (J) SM Cricket Stirling County
13 T Fleet Prestwick
12 O Gould (J) Clydesdale
12 A Hislop McCrea FS West of Scotland
12 B Clarke Tunnocks Uddingston
11 L Fischer Keogh (J) Greenock
11 I Young McCrea FS West of Scotland
11 Sai Sajjad Poloc
10 R Henry M8 Driving Ferguslie
10 R Hussain M8 Driving Ferguslie
10 H Booker SM Cricket Stirling County
9 R Berrington Clydesdale
9 J Oliver McCrea FS West of Scotland
8 K Farid Clydesdale
8 A Khalid Langside
8 M Kamran Langside
8 M Ghaffar M8 Driving Ferguslie
8 A Hanif Poloc
8 E McBeth Prestwick
8 B McMullen (J) SM Cricket Stirling County
7 D Cairns Clydesdale
7 C Hempsey Greenock
7 Muh Khan Langside
7 J Strachan McCrea FS West of Scotland
7 I Adrees Poloc
7 S Chaudhary Prestwick
7 R Lyons Tunnocks Uddingston
6 H Tahir M8 Driving Ferguslie
6 T Ahmad M8 Driving Ferguslie
6 R Cathcart Poloc
6 M Rao Prestwick
6 F Macdonald Prestwick
6 G Singh Prestwick
6 M Tweedie SM Cricket Stirling County
6 S Beveridge Your Move Dumfries
5 P Barbour Clydesdale
5 F Jawad Clydesdale
5 I Mughal Clydesdale
5 S Sanghera Greenock
5 C Pandher Greenock
5 S Zia Langside
5 M Ali Langside
5 J Fennah McCrea FS West of Scotland
5 K Sajjad Poloc
5 T Jones SM Cricket Stirling County
5 Z Ahmad Tunnocks Uddingston
5 A Davidson Your Move Dumfries

Stumpings Taken
9 A Hislop McCrea FS West of Scotland
6 T Fleet Prestwick
5 D Stafford M8 Driving Ferguslie
4 Sai Sajjad Poloc
2 Asa Khan (J) Langside
2 B Clarke Tunnocks Uddingston
1 O Gould (J) Clydesdale
1 A Khalid Langside
1 D Braithwaite McCrea FS West of Scotland
1 C James Poloc
1 A Malik (J) Poloc
1 A Reed Your Move Dumfries
1 F Bainbridge (J) Your Move Dumfries

Results, tables and statistics by